Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Urgent Care in Tukwila: Managing Water-borne Illnesses from Swimming

The opening of a new aquatic center in the city of Renton in Washington is perfectly timed with the swimming season, and the center plus the city’s beaches, water parks and recreation facilities are already luring the summer crowd. Twenty lifeguards have, so far, been trained on first aid and safety patrol, including how to deal with swimming-related conditions and water-borne pathogens, according to Renton Reporter staff writer Tracey Compton. 

With Renton just mere minutes away from Tukwila, residents in the suburb will no doubt head out to the city this summer to check the new swimming facility or explore other swimming areas. When going out to popular swimming destinations, watch out for some common water-borne illnesses like the ones below, and visit a qualified Tukwila urgent care doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
